Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Reluctant Artist

The Reluctant Artist

"Birds Nest Capped by Snow"

(click on photos to enlarge)
Stepping out of my comfort zone with photography has always been a difficult thing for me.  I have a million photos but not a clue what to do with them so I just share them on mediums like Facebook.

"Composition by God"

My photos are all unedited, a friend used the word "raw".  They come out the way I am introduced to and see the scene before I raise the camera to my eye.  The only thing that gets adjusted is how close I am to the object physically.

"A Print"

When I hear statements like, “Gee you should do that professionally!” or “People would love to see your photos, why don’t you donate some of those for our spaghetti dinner fund raiser” my heart beats rapidly and breathing becomes quite difficult.  That feeling about my photography has gotten me called the "reluctant artist."


"Dinner On A Blustery Day"


“Seeing” and lining up a shot, taking the photos, getting up close and personal with things, that is my comfort zone with photography.  It has brought me a great deal of freedom of expression and has become a form of necessary therapy.  When I am at a function taking photos has given me the ability to make my way around the room, sometimes noticed, sometimes not. Sometimes I get good or silly poses, sometimes people shy away from me.  Other times I've been referred to as "sneaky" getting candid shots from far away. 

"Silver Streak"

"The Long Driveway"


Where my photography shines, though, is outside and with nature, where I enjoy being most. My other favorite hobbies are biking and hiking and those two things get me out to do the photography more than anything.  Nature isn’t always the perfect poser, either though, and some creatures are not only uncooperative, I find that I have to be sneaky with them as well!  Most of my favorite photos to take are micro and macro shots.  Anybody who knows me knows I like to get really close to and touch everything.

"Moon Flower Seed Pod"

"Busy Bee"

"Milkweed Seed Pod"

"The Day The Lake And Sky Matched"

"Angel At Woodland"

"Nature Revolting Against The Dead"

Troop 421 spaghetti dinner marks the very first time I’ve chosen some of my own photos, found a medium on which to mount and share them to let others see what I see through my camera.  For that I have Cher to thank.


"Mockingbird In A Savannah Courtyard"

"Like An Old Time Postcard - Huntington Beach"

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